XPL, the University of Pennsylvania X-ray Physics Laboratory, is the research arm of the Physics Section - the oldest research section in the Department of Radiology. The Physic Section traces its origins to the pioneering work of Arthur Goodspeed, PhD, who acquired the first radiograph in Philadelphia on February 4, 1896. The XPL is currently lead by Dr. Andrew Maidment.
Today, the central focus of the XPL is the development of advanced methods for breast cancer imaging, including digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) and functional breast imaging. Research efforts include the modeling and development of novel imaging systems, methods for characterizing image system performance and observer performance, and the development of novel image-based biomarkers for breast cancer risk assessment and prognosis. Significant effort has been expended in recent years on the development of contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis. This pioneering work is predicated upon the desire to combine morphologic and functional information to improve breast cancer diagnosis.
The laboratory, located in the John Morgan Building, is well equipped to perform fundamental x-ray system development, radiation dosimetry, phantom development, radiographic clinical trial support, and psychophysical observer studies.
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Our research
Pisano ED, Yaffe MJ, Hemminger BM, Hendrick RE, Niklason LT, Maidment ADA, Kimme-Smith CM, Feig SA, Sickles EA, Braeuning MP: Current status of fullfield digital mammography Academic Radiology 7(4) : 266-280, 2000 []   
Maidment ADA: Digital Mammography - Coming of Age Journal of the American College of Radiology 2(9) : 798-801, 2005 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: Method for conducting MQSA-type inspections by mail Radiology 201 : 176, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Karunamuni R, Naha PC, Lau K, al Zaki A, Popov AV, Delikatny EJ, Tsourkas A, Cormode DP, Maidment ADA: Development of silica-encapsulated silver nanoparticles as contrast agents intended for dual-energy mammography European Journal of Radiology Page: , 2015 [10.1007/s00330-015-4152-y]   
Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Reduction of artifacts in computer simulation of breast Cooper's ligaments Physics of Medical Imaging Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9783: , 2016 []   
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Chui JH, Avanaki AN, Marchessoux C, Pokrajac DD, Espig K, Kimpe TRL, Xthona A, Lago M, Shankla V: The Role of Virtual Clinical Trials in Preclinical Testing of Breast Imaging System Proc. of the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Keller B, Zheng Y, Wang Y, Gee JC, Kontos D, Maidment ADA: Testing realism of software breast phantoms: texture analysis of synthetic mammograms Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 866824, 2013 []   
Halpern EJ, Albert M, Krieger AM, Metz CE, Maidment ADA: Comparison of ROC curves on the basis of optimal operating points Radiology Page: 356, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Kontos D, Troxel AB, Maidment ADA: Comparison of breast percent density estimated from digital mammograms and central reconstructed tomosynthesis slice images Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 674-680, 2008 []   
Maidment ADA, Antonuk L, Dobbins JT, Flynn M, Seibert JA, Yorkston J: A Debate on the Relative Merits of Digital Radiography and Mammography Technologies Medical Physics 31(6) : 1755, 2004 []   [Abstract]
Shaber GS, Lee D, Bell J, Powell G, Maidment ADA: Clinical evaluation of a full field digital projection radiography detector Medical Imaging 1998: Physics of Medical Imaging Dobbins III JT, Boone JM(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3336: 463-469, 1998 []   
Ruiter N, Zhang C, Bakic PR, Carton AK, Kuo J, Maidment ADA: Simulation of tomosynthesis images based on an anthropomorphic software breast tissue phantom Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling Miga MI, Cleary KR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6918: 69182I, 2008 []   
Carton AK, Acciavatti RJ, Kuo J, Maidment ADA: "The effect of scatter and glare on image quality in contrast-enhanced breast imaging using an a- Si/CsI(Tl) full-field flat panel detector" Medical Physics 36(3) : 920-928, 2009 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3077922 ]   
Skoura A, Megalooikonomou V, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Classifying ductal tree structures using topological descriptors of branching IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 364 AICT (PART 2) Page: 455-463, 2011 []   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Analysis of parenchymal texture properties in breast tomosynthesis images Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Giger ML, Karssemeijer N(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6514: 651417, 2007 []   
Carton AK, Chen SC, Albert M, Conant EF, Schnall MD, Maidment ADA: Technical Development of Contrast-enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis RSNA, Radiological Society of North America, 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 569, 2005 []   [Abstract]
Lee D, Maidment ADA: Removal of trapped charge in selenium detectors Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 762218, 2010 []   
Vent TL, Acciavatti RJ, Kwon YJ, Maidment ADA: Quantification of resolution in multiplanar reconstructions for digital breast tomosynthesis Physics of Medical Imaging Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9783: , 2016 []   
Megalooikonomou V, Barnathan M, Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: A representation and classification scheme for treelike structures in medical images: Analyzing the branching pattern of ductal trees in xray galactograms IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 28(4) : 487-493, 2009 []   
Bakic PR, Ringer P, Kuo J, Ng S, Maidment ADA: Analysis of geometric accuracy in digital breast tomosynthesis reconstruction Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Marti J, Oliver A, Freixent J, Marti R(eds.) Vol. 6136: 62-69, 2010 []   
Mourtada F, Chen Y, Maidment ADA, Peng C, Garver E, Perera H: Delaware Valley Chapter Historical Poster Presented as a poster at the 2015 AAPM Annual Meeting Page: , 2015 []   [Abstract]
Reljin BD, Kostic PD, Milosavljevic I, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "A Comparison of Design and Implementation Issues in Yugoslav and US PACS," Radiology (Presented as a poster at the 2002 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) 225 : 692, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Pisano ET, Braeuning MP, Burke ET, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Kornguth PJ, Maidment ADA: Comparison of the acceptability and performance of image processing algorithms in visualizing known lesions in digital mammography Radiology 209 : 518, 1998 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Starkoski BG, Mawdsley GE, Soutar IC, Bennett NR, Plewes DB, Yaffe MJ: A clinical scanned-slot digital mammography prototype Medical Physics 19(4) : 1139, 1992 []   [Abstract]
Carton AK, Bakic PR, Ullberg C, Maidment ADA: Development of a 3D highresolution physical anthropomorphic breast phantom Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 762206, 2010 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Proposing a new velocity profile for continuous x-ray tube motion in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 86680f, 2013 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Brzakovic D, Maidment ADA: Mammogram synthesis using a 3D simulation. II. Evaluation of synthetic mammogram texture Medical Physics 29(9) : 2140-2151, 2002 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1501144 ]   
Oliveira HCR, Barufaldi B, Borges L, Gabarda S, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Vieira MAC, Schiabel H: Validation of no-reference image quality index for the assessment of digital mammographic images Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Abbey CK, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9787: , 2016 []   
Hemminger BM, Cole EB, Zong S, Yaffe MJ, Aylward SR, Maidment ADA, Williams MB, Niklason LT, Johnston RE, Pisano ED: Evaluation of digital processing methods for the display of digital mammography Medical Imaging 1999: Image Display Mun SK, Kim Y(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3658: 382-393, 1999 []   
Carton AK, Bakic PR, Ullberg C, Derand H, Maidment ADA: Development of a physical 3D anthropomorphic breast phantom Medical Physics 38(2) : 891-896, 2011 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3533896]   
Lau K, Kwon YJ, Aziz M, Maidment ADA: Estimating breast thickness for dual-energy subtraction in contrast-enhanced digital mammography using calibration phantoms Physics of Medical Imaging Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9783: , 2016 []   
Chen F, Zheng P, Xu P, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Liu F, Shi X: Breast image registration by using non-linear local affine transformation Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 86684J, 2013 []   
Shaber GS, Maidment ADA, Bell J, Jeromin LS, Lee D, Powell G: Full Field Digital Projection Radiography System: Principles and Image Evaluation CAR '97: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura K(eds.) : 39-45, 1997 []   
Hunt RA, Dance DR, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Sandborg M, Ullman G, Alm Carlsson G: Calculation of the properties of digital mammograms using a computer simulation Radiation Protection Dosimetry 114(1-3) : 395-398, 2005 []   
Barufaldi B, Lau K, Schiabel H, Maidment ADA: Computational assessment of mammography accreditation phantom images and correlation with human observer analysis Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Mello-Thoms C, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9416: 941606, 2015 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: Classification of galactograms with ramification matrices: preliminary results Academic Radiology 10(2) : 198-204, 2003 []   
Bakic PR, Kontos D, Megalooikonomou V, Rosen MA, Maidment ADA: Comparison of methods for classification of breast ductal branching patterns Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Astley S, Brady M, Rose C, Zwiggelaar R(eds.) Vol. 4046: 634-641, 2006 []   
Neitzel U, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA: Discernible gray levels and digitization requirements in digital mammography Medical Physics 21(7) : 1213-1215, 1994 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.597356]   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Bunch PC, Cunningham IA, Dobbins III JT, Gagne RM, Nishikawa RM, Van Metter RL, Wagner RF: Standardization of NPS measurement: Interim report of AAPM TG16 Medical Imaging 2003: Physics of Medical Imaging Yaffe MJ, Antonuk LE(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5030: 523-532, 2003 []   
Williams MB, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA, Martin MC, Seibert JA, Pisano ED: Image Quality in Digital Mammography: Image Acquisition Journal of the American College of Radiology 3(8) : 589-608, 2006 []   
Conant EF, Maidment ADA, Albert M, Feig SA, McCue PA: 2-D and 3-D digital imaging of breast calcifications: A method to improve diagnostic specificity Radiology 201 : 448, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Conant EF, Maidment ADA, Albert M, Piccoli CW, Nussbaum SA, McCue PA: Small field of view digital imaging of breast calcifications: A method to improve diagnostic specificity Radiology 201 : 369, 1996 []   [Abstract]
.: Report of the Working Group on Digital Mammography: Computer-Aided Diagnosis and 3D Image Analysis and Display Academic Radiology Shtern F, Pizer SM, Vannier MW, Winfield D(eds.) Vol. 5: S221-S256, 1999 []   
Jing H, Keller B, Choi JY, Crescenzi R, Conant EF, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: Dependence of radiation dose on area and volumetric mammographic breast density estimation Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 866827, 2013 []   
Barnathan M, Zhang J, Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Megalooikonomou V: Analyzing treelike structures in biomedical images based on texture and branching: An application to breast imaging Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 25-32, 2008 []   
Kontos D, Berger R, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Breast tissue classification in digital breast tomosynthesis images using texture features: A feasibility study Medical Imaging 2009: ComputerAided Diagnosis Karssemeijer N, Giger ML(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7260: 726024, 2009 []   
Conant EF, Li D, Gavenonis SC, Bakic PR, Carton AK, Zhang C, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: A comparative study of the interreader variability of breast percent density estimation in digital mammography: Potential effect of reader's training and clinical experience Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Marti J, Oliver A, Freixent J, Marti R(eds.) Vol. 6136: 114-120, 2010 []   
Fahrig R, Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Optimization of peak kilovoltage and spectral shape for digital mammography Medical Imaging VI: Instrumentation Shaw R(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 1651: 74-83, 1992 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: MQSA- type inspections by mail: An alternative to on-site inspections Radiology 201 : 530, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Feig SA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Shumak RS, Jong RA: Clinical evaluation of full-field digital mammography Radiology 205 : 741, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Chen SC, Carton AK, Kao Y, Conant EF, Weinstein SP, Maidment ADA: Multimodality Breast Imaging: Comparison of Digital Mammography, Tomosynthesis, Breast Ultrasound, MR, and PET RSNA 2005, Radiological Society of North America, 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 736, 2005 []   [Abstract]
Chui JH, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Roadmap for efficient parallelization of breast anatomy simulation Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8313: 83134T, 2012 []   
Bakic PR, Kontos D, Zhang C, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA: Analysis of percent density estimates from digital breast tomosynthesis projection images Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Giger ML, Karssemeijer N(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6514: 651424, 2007 []   
Maidment ADA: Digital Mammography Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition Andolina VF, Lille SL, Willison K(eds.) Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, Page: , 2001 []   
Pisano ED, Cole EB, Hemminger BM, Yaffe MJ, Aylward SR, Maidment ADA, Johnston RE, Williams MB, Niklason LT, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Kopans DB, Brown ME, Pizer SM: Image processing algorithms for digital mammography: a pictorial essay Radiographics 20(5) : 1479-1491, 2000 []   
Kontos D, Zhang C, Ruiter N, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Digital breast tomosynthesis parenchymal texture analysis for breast cancer risk estimation: A preliminary study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 491-498, 2008 []   
Chui JH, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Towards breast anatomy simulation using GPUs Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 506-513, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Seibert JA, Flynn MJ: Technical advances in DR and CR: Part 1. Decisions in Imaging Economics 17(3) : 45-51, 2004 []   
Karunamuni R, al Zaki A, Popov AV, JDelikatny EJ, Gavenonis SC, Tsourkas A, Maidment ADA: An examination of silver as a radiographic contrast agent in dualenergy breast xray imaging Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 418-425, 2012 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: The sensitivity and specificity of mammographic image quality tests: A comparison of the ACR method and the mammographic system test Radiology 205 : 303, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Yaffe MJ, Nishikawa RM, Maidment ADA, Fenster A: Development of a digital mammography system Medical Imaging II Proceedings of SPIE Page: 182-188, 1988 []   
Tosteson A, Stout NK, Fryback DG, Acharyya S, Herman BA, Hannah LG, Pisano ED: Cost-Effectiveness of Digital Mammography Breast Cancer Screening Annals of Internal Medicine 148(1) : 1-10, 2008 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Maidment ADA, Marchessoux C, Bakic PR, Kimpe TRL: Development and evaluation of a 3D model observer with nonlinear spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity. Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Mello-Thoms CR, Kupinski MA(eds.) SPIE Vol. 9037: , 2014 []   
Brunner CC, Acciavatti RJ, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Williams MB, Kaczmarek R, Chakrabarti K: Evaluation of various mammography phantoms for image quality assessment in digital breast tomosynthesis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 284-291, 2012 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA: The Breast Pillowä: A Mammographic Device for Reducing Patient Discomfort and Pain Radiology 221 : 698, 2001 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Mawdsley GE, Lewkow R, Starkowski BG, Feig SA: Prototype clinical imaging system for digital mammography Phys. Med. Biol. 39a, Part I Page: 3, 1994 []   [Abstract]
Yaffe MJ, Deward LA, Jennings RJ, Barnes GT, Hendrick RE, Feig SA, Vyborny CJ, Rothenberg LN, Pizzutiello RJ, Maidment ADA, Bassett LW: Prototype evaluation phantom for mammography Radiology 197 : 327-328, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Cole E, Nishikawa RM, Acharyya S, Gastonsis C, Pisano ED, Marques H, Orsi CD, Faria D, Kanal K, Maidment A, Mahoney M, Mahesh M, Rebner M, Staiger M: Comparison of Softcopy and Hardcopy Reading of Full-Field Digital Mammograms: A DMIST Reader Study Conducted by the American College of Radiological Imaging Network (ACRIN) RSNA 2006, Radiological Society of North America, 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 226, 2006 []   [Abstract]
Keller BM, Oustimov A, Wang Y, Chen J, Acciavatti RJ, Zheng Y, Ray S, Gee JC, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: Parenchymal texture analysis in digital mammography: robust texture feature identification and equivalence across devices Journal of Medical Imaging 2(2) : 024502, 2015 []   
Cole EB, Pisano ED, Kistner EO, Muller KE, Brown ME, Feig SA, Jong RA, Maidment ADA, Staiger M, Kuzmiak CM, Freimanis RI, Lesko N, Walsh R, Williford M, Braeuning MP: Diagnostic accuracy of digital mammography in patients with dense breasts who underwent problem- solving mammography: effects of image processing and lesion type Radiology 226(1) : 153-160, 2003 []   
Conant EF, Oustimov A, Zuckerman S, McDonald E, Weinstein SP, Maidment ADA, Barufaldi B, Synnestvedt M, Schnall M: Summary of Outcomes from Consecutive Years of Tomosynthesis Screening at an American Academic Institution IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland : 20-24, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_3]   
Mawdsley GE, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA, Niklason LT, Williams MB, Hemminger BM: Acceptance testing and quality control of digital mammography equipment Digital Mammography '98 Karssemeijer N, Thijssen M, Hendricks J, Van Erning L(eds.) Kluvier, Holland, Page: 437-444, 1998 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Mawdsley GE, Soutar IC, Starkoski BG: Imaging performance of a prototype scanned-slot digital mammography system Physics of Medical Imaging: Physics of Medical Imaging Shaw R(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 1896: 93-103, 1993 []   
Pisano ED, Braeuning MP, Chakraborty DP, Conant EF, D'Orsi CJ, Fajardo LL, Feig SA, Hendrick RE, Johnston RE, Kimme-Smith CM, Kopans DB, Kuzmiak C, Maidment ADA, Nishikawa RM, Parker SH, Rice LZ, Sickles EA, Venta LA, Williams MB, Yaffe MJ: Open letter calls FDA to account on digital mammography Diagnostic Imaging Page: 33-34, 1999 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Marchessoux C, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Kimpe TRL: On modeling the effects of display contrast and luminance in a spatio-temporal numerical observer. In Proc. Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XV Conference Page: , 2013 []   
Karunamuni R, Kanamaluru S, Lau K, Gavenonis SC, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Exploring the relationship between SDNR and detectability in dual- energy breast x-ray imaging Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 866863, 2013 []   
Dance DR, Hunt RA, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Sandborg M, Alm Carlsson G: Computer Simulation of X-ray Mammography Using High-Resolution Voxel Phantoms Medical Physics 30(6) : 1456, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: Optimization of portable chest radiography American Journal of Roentgenology 162(3) : 167-168, 1994 []   [Abstract]
Contijoch F, Lynch JM, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Shape analysis of simulated breast anatomical structures Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8313: 83134U, 2012 []   
Cheng E, McLaughlin S, Megalooikonomou V, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Ling H: Learningbased vessel segmentation in mammographic images Proceedings 2011 1st IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology, HISB 2011 Page: 315-322, 2011 []   
Bakic PR, Richard FJP, Maidment ADA: ADA: 2Dto3D xray breast image registration Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 4057 Page: 84-91, 2006 []   
Maidment ADA: Virtual Clinical Trials for the Assessment of Novel Breast Screening Modalities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Breast Imaging (IWDM). Fujita H, Hara T, Marumatsu C(eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 8539: 1-8, 2014 []   
Maidment ADA, Byng JW, Yaffe MJ: Scanned-slot projection digital mammography Radiology 169 : 338, 1988 []   [Abstract]
Vieira MAC, Nunes PF, Oliveira HCR, Borges L, Bakic PR, Acciavatti RJ, Barufaldi B, Maidment ADA: Feasibility Study of Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Using Non-Local Denoising Algorithms In Physics of Medical Imaging Hoeschen C, Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9412: , 2015 []   
Pisano ED, Hendrick RE, Yaffe MJ, Baum JK, Acharyya S, Cormack JB, Hanna LA, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Bassett L, D'Orsi CJ, Jong RA, Rebner M, Tosteson A, Gatsonis C: Diagnostic Accuracy of Digital versus Film Mammography: Exploratory Analysis of Selected Population Subgroups in DMIST Radiology 246(2) : 376-383, 2008 []   
Feig SA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Maidment ADA, Picarro MF, Jong RA, Shumak RS: Whole breast digital mammography: Evaluation of clinical image quality Radiology 201 : 369, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Myers KJ, Glick S, Maidment ADA, The Members of AAPM Task Group: Virtual Tools for the Evaluation of Breast Imaging: State-of-the Science and Future Directions IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland Vol. 9699: 518-524, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_65]   
Oliveira HCR, Borges L, Nunes PF, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Vieira MAC: Use of Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis to Reduce Radiation Dose in Digital Mammography 28th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems Page: 33-37, 2015 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Bakic PR, Karasick T: 2AFC Observer Study of Shape and Contrast Discrimination in Digital Stereomammography Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Pisano ED(eds.) The University of North Carolina, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, Chapel Hill, NC, Page: 474-483, 2005 []   
Cheng E, Ling H, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Megalooikonomou V: Automatic detection of regions of interest in mammographic images Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing Dawant BM, Haynor DR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7962: 79623J, 2011 []   
Albert M, Carton AK, Maidment ADA: Camera calibration for synthetic digital tomography Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5745: 1291-1299, 2005 []   
Dance DR, Hunt RA, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Sandborg M, Ullman G, Alm Carlsson G: "Computer Simulation of X-Ray Mammography Using High Resolution Voxel Phantoms," Medical Physics (Presented orally at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, San Diego, CA.) 30 : 1456, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Carton AK, Li J, Chen S, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Optimization of contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Astley S, Brady M, Rose C, Zwiggelaar R(eds.) Vol. 4046: 183-189, 2006 []   
Abbey CK, Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Eckstein MP, Boone JM: Non-Gaussian statistical properties of virtual breast phantoms. Physics of Medical Imaging Whiting BR, Hoeschen C(eds.) SPIE Vol. 9033: , 2014 []   
Maidment ADA, Feig SA, Conant EF, Wolk E, Albert M: Three-dimensional analysis of breast calcifications Radiology 197 : 170, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Chen S, Carton AK, Albert M, Conant EF, Schnal M, Maidment ADA: Initial clinical experience with contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis Academic Radiology 14(2) : 229-238, 2007 []   
Bradley LR, Carton AK, Maidment ADA: Angular dependence of mammographic dosimeters in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 762206, 2010 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Xthona A, Kimpe TRL, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: It is Hard to See a Needle in a Haystack: Modeling Contrast Masking Effect in a Numerical Observer. Breast Imaging (IWDM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Fujita H, Hara T, Marumatsu C(eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 8539: 723-730, 2014 []   
Barufaldi B, Cook TS, Synnestvedt M, Conant EF, Schnall MD, Maidment ADA: A Radiation Dose Reporting System for Mammography and Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America Page: , 2014 [http://rsna2014.rsna.org/program/details/?emID=14010823]   [Abstract]
Neitzel U, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA: Reply to Dr. Neitzel's Comments on "Dynamic Range Requirements in Digital Mammography" (Letter to the Editor) Medical Physics 21(7) : 1213-1215, 1994 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M: A New Slanted-Edge MTF Calculation Method Radiology 213 : 287, 1999 []   [Abstract]
Cupp SL, Beideck DJ, Maidment ADA: Ultraviolet protectants: causative agents for screen and image artifacts in radiography Radiology 227(1) : 119-123, 2003 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M: Tissue Discrimination Methods in Mammography Advances in Digital Radiography: RSNA Categorical Course in Diagnostic Radiology Physics 2003 Radiological Society of North America, Oak Brook, IL Page: , 2003 []   
Vieira MAC, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Mascarenhas NDA: Investigating Poisson Noise Filtering in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Proc. WVC - Brazilian Computer Vision Workshop Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Busch DR, Choe R, Durduran T, Friedman DH, Baker WB, Maidment ADA, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Yodh AG: Blood flow reduction in breast tissue due to mammographic compression Academic Radiology 21 : 151-161, 2014 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: 2AFC observer study of digital stereomammography Medical Imaging 2003: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Chakraborty DP, Krupinski EA(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5034: 1-9, 2003 []   
Dance DR, Hunt RA, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Sandborg M, Ullman G, Alm Carlsson G: Computer simulation of X-ray mammography using high resolution voxel phantoms UK Mammography Physics Group Newsletter Page: , 2005 []   
Maidment ADA, Ullberg C, Lindman K, Adelöw L, Egerström J, Udupa J, Eklund M, Francke T, Jordung U, Kristoffersson T, Lindqvist L, Marchal D, Olla H, Rantanen J, Solokov S, Weber N, Westerberg H: Evaluation of a photoncounting breast tomosynthesis imaging system Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ, Hsieh J(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6142: 61420B, 2006 []   
Lau K, Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Estimating Breast Thickness for Dual-Energy Subtraction in Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography: A Theoretical Model IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland Vol. 9699: 593-600, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_74]   
Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "A 3D Anthropomorphic Software Breast Phantom," (Presented as an InfoRAD exhibit at the 2003 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) Page: , 2003 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: Quantum Noise and Dose in Digital Stereomammography: A 2-AFC Observer Study Radiology 225 : 644, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Commentary on "Whole-Body Clinical Applications of Digital Tomosynthesis,"with Response from Dr Machida and Colleagues. Radiographics 36(3) : 750, 2016 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Analysis of the spatial-frequency-dependent DQE of optically coupled digital mammography detectors Medical Physics 21(6) : 721-729, 1994 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.597331]   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Feig SA, Piccoli CW, Nussbaum SA: A computer workstation for 3-D imaging of the breast. Radiology 205 : 741, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "Parenchymal Texture Analysis in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Towards Developing Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Risk," 32nd Annual Eugene P. Pendergrass Symposium Program. (Presented orally at 32nd Annual Eugene P. Pendergrass Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) Page: , 2006 []   [Abstract]
Williams MB, Raghunathan P, Seibert JA, Kwan A, Lo J, Samei E, Fajardo LL, Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ, Bloomquist AK: Beam optimization for digital mammography II Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Astley S, Brady M, Rose C, Zwiggelaar R(eds.) Vol. 4046: 273-280, 2006 []   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Acciavatti RJ, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: A comparative study of volumetric and areabased breast density estimation in digital mammography: Results from a screening population Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Marti J, Oliver A, Freixent J, Marti R(eds.) Vol. 6136: 378-385, 2010 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Marchessoux C, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Kimpe TRL: On Modeling the Effects of Display Contrast and Luminance in a Spatio-Temporal Numerical Observer Proc. of MIPS - Medical Image Perception Society XV Conference Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Thomas M, Skoura A, Nuzhnaya T, Megalooikonomou V, Keller B, Zheng Y, Kontos D, Gee JC, Cardenosa G, Maidment ADA: Correlation Between Topological Descriptors of the Breast Ductal Network from Clinical Galactograms and Texture Features of Corresponding Mammograms Breast Imaging (IWDM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Fujita H, Hara T, Marumatsu C(eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 8539: 658-665, 2014 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: Evaluation of Breast Ductal Networks Using Ramification Matrices IWDM 2002, 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Peitgen HO(eds.) SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Page: 249-252, 2002 []   
Lau K, Lee HM, Singh T, Maidment ADA: Segmentation Methods for Breast Vasculature in Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Physics of Medical Imaging Hoeschen C, Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9412: 941227, 2015 []   
GlideHurst CK, Maidment ADA, Orton CG: Ultrasonography is soon likely to become a viable alternative to xray mammography for breast cancer screening Medical Physics 37(9) : 4525-4528, 2010 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3459019]   
Bakic PR, Li C, West E, Sak M, Gavenonis SC, Duric N, Maidment ADA: Comparison of 3D and 2D breast density estimation from synthetic ultrasound tomography images and digital mammograms of anthropomorphic software breast phantoms Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Samei E, Nishikawa RM(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7961: 79610Z, 2011 []   
Maidment ADA: How much information can an x-ray carry? The role of information theory in image assessment. Med. Phys. 24(6) : 1037, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Zhang C, Maidment ADA: Development and characterization of an anthropomorphic breast software phantom based upon regiongrowing algorithm Medical Physics 38(6) : 3165-3176, 2011 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3590357]   
Acciavatti RJ, Chang A, Woodbridge L, Maidment ADA: Optimizing the acquisition geometry for digital breast tomosynthesis using the Defrise phantom. Physics of Medical Imaging Whiting BR, Hoeschen C(eds.) SPIE Vol. 9033: , 2014 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: "Quantum Noise and Dose in Digital Stereomammography: A 2-AFC Observer Study," Radiology (Presented orally at the 2002 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) 225 : 644, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA, and Reljin B: Topological Analysis of Breast Ductal Network ETRAN 2003: 47th Serbo-Montenegrin (Yugoslav) Conference of Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering Page: 157-160, 2003 []   
Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Breast Cancer Imaging Scientific American Science in Medicine Page: 22-31, 1996 []   
Abramson RG, Mavi A, Cermik T, Basu S, Wehrli NE, Houseni M, Mishra S, Udupa J, Lakhani P, Maidment ADA, Torigian DA, Alavi A: Age- related structural and functional changes in the breast: multimodality correlation with digital mammography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 37(3) : 146-153, 2007 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA: Compression Modulated Mammography: A Method for Improved Detection of Cancer in Dense Breasts Using Digital Mammography Medical Physics 31(6) : 1850-1851, 2004 []   [Abstract]
Halpern EJ, Albert M, Krieger AM, Metz CE, Maidment ADA: Comparison of receiver operating characteristic curves on the basis of optimal operating points Academic Radiology 3(3) : 245-253, 1996 []   
Borges L, Guerrero I, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Schiabel H, Vieira MAC: Simulation of Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland Vol. 9699: 343-350, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_43]   
Ritenour ER, Maidment ADA, Hendee WR: Lossy compression should not be used in certain imaging applications such as chest radiography Medical Physics 26(9) : 1773-1775, 1999 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.598783]   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Pineda AR, Barrett HH: Comment on "figures of merit for detectors in digital radiography" Medical Physics 31(8) : 2364-2367, 2004 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1771871 ]   
Shankla VG, Pokrajac DD, Weinstein JL, DeLeo M, Tuite C, Roth R, Conant EF, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Automatic insertion of simulated microcalcification clusters in a software breast phantom Physics of Medical Imaging Whiting BR, Hoeschen C(eds.) SPIE Vol. 9033: , 2014 []   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "Analysis of Parenchymal Texture Properties in Breast Tomosynthesis Images," University of Pennsylvania 5th Annual Biomedical Postoc Research Symposium Program, (Presented as a poster at the 2006 University of Pennsylvania 5th Annual Biomedical Postoc Research Symposium, Philadelphia) Page: , 2006 []   [Abstract]
Kontos D, Xing Y, Bakic PR, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: A comparative study of volumetric breast density estimation in digital mammography and magnetic resonance imaging: results from a highrisk population Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Karssemeijer N, Summers RM(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7624: 762409, 2010 []   
Ling H, Barnathan M, Megalooikonomou V, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Probabilistic branching node detection using hybrid local features Proceedings 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2009 Page: 233-236, 2009 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Analysis of signal propagation in optically coupled detectors for digital mammography: II. Lens and fibre optics Physics in Medicine and Biology 41(3) : 475-493, 1996 []   
Daye D, Bobo E, Baumann B, Ioannou A, Conant EF, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: Mammographic parenchymal texture as an imaging marker of hormonal activity: A comparative study between pre and postmenopausal women Medical Imaging 2011: ComputerAided Diagnosis Summers RM, Van Ginneken B(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7963: 79631N, 2011 []   
Maidment ADA, Krupinski EA, Hendee WR: Premenopausal women should be actively encouraged to seek screening mammograms Medical Physics 31(2) : 171-174, 2004 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1638754 ]   
Tischenko O, Hoeschen C, Dance DR, Hunt RA, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Evaluation of a novel method of noise reduction using computer-simulated mammograms Radiation Protection Dosimetry 114(1-3) : 81-84, 2005 []   
Dance DR, Hunt RA, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Sandborg M, Ullman G, Alm Carlsson G: Breast dosimetry using high-resolution voxel phantoms Radiation Protection Dosimetry 114(1-3) : 359-363, 2005 []   
Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Batiste R, Feldman M, Maidment ADA: Simulation of Breast Anatomy: Bridging the Radiology-Pathology Scale Gap IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland Vol. 9699: 478-485, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_60]   
Chen SC, Carton AK, Albert M, Conant EF, Schnall MD, Maidment ADA: Initial Experience with Contrast-enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis RSNA 2005, Radiological Society of North America, 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 318, 2005 []   [Abstract]
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "Towards Developing Quantitative Imaging Methods for Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: A Comparison Between Mammographic and Tomographic Characterization of Parenchymal Texture," (Presented orally at the 6th Annual Biomedical Postdoc Research Symposium, U. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) Page: , 2007 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Chui JH, Avanaki AN, Marchessoux C, Pokrajac DD, Espig K, Kimpe TRL, Xthona A, Lago M, Shankla V: The role of virtual clinical trials in preclinical testing of breast imaging systems In Proc. of the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Thunberg S, Adelöw L, Blom O, Egerström J, Eklund M, Francke T, Jordung U, Kristoffersson T, Lindman K, Lindqvist L, Marchal D, Olla H, Penton E, Rantanen J, Solokov S, Ullberg C, Weber N: Evaluation of a photoncounting breast tomosynthesis imaging system Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5745: 572-582, 2005 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: An analytical model of NPS and DQE comparing photon counting and energy integrating detectors Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 76220I, 2010 []   
Kuo J, Ringer P, Fallows SG, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Ng S: Dynamic reconstruction and rendering of 3D tomosynthesis images Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Samei E, Nishikawa RM(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7961: 796116, 2011 []   
Cheng E, Xie N, Ling H, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Megalooikonomou V: Mammographic image classification using histogram intersection 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 Proceedings Page: 197-200, 2010 []   
Bloomquist AK, Yaffe MJ, Pisano ED, Hendrick RE, Mawdsley GE, Bright S, Shen SZ, Mahesh M, Nickoloff EL, Fleischman RC, Williams MB, Maidment ADA, Beideck DJ, Och J, Seibert JA: Quality control for digital mammography in the ACRIN DMIST trial: part I Medical Physics 33(3) : 719-736, 2006 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.2163407]   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Observation of superresolution in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Physics 39(12) : 7518-7539, 2012 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4757583]   
Chui JH, Zeng R, Pokrajac DD, Park S, Myers KJ, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Two methods for simulation of dense tissue distribution in software breast phantoms Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8668: 86680M, 2013 []   
Galkin BM, Maidment ADA: The Miniaturized Mammography System Monitor: A Quality Control Device for use within MQSA Type Breast Phantoms to Test Reproducibility of Exposure Parameters Medical Physics 29(6) : 1359-1360, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Karunamuni R, Tsourkas A, Maidment ADA: Exploring silver as a contrast agent for contrast-enhanced dual-energy X-ray breast imaging Breast Journal of Radiology 87 : 1-13, 2014 []   
Berger R, Carton AK, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: FFDM image quality assessment using computerized image texture analysis Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 76220I, 2010 []   
Vieira M, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Effect of denoising on the quality of reconstructed images in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Vol. 8668: 86680C, 2013 []   
Maidment ADA: Tissue Discrimination Methods in Mammography RSNA 2005, Radiological Society of North America, 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 116, 2005 []   [Abstract]
Borges L, Oliveira HCR, Nunes PF, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Vieira MAC: Method for simulating dose reduction in digital mammography using the Anscombe transformation Medical Physics, American Association of Physicists in Medicine 43(6) : 2704, 2016 [10.1118/1.4948502]   
Roth R, Maidment ADA, Weinstein SP, Roth S, Conant EF: Digital breast tomosynthesis: lessons learned from early clinical implementation RadioGraphics 34 : E89-E102, 2014 []   
Cook TS, Zimmerman S, Maidment ADA, Kim W, Boone JM: Automated extraction of radiation dose information for CT examinations Journal of the American College of Radiology 7(11) : 871-877, 2010 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Feig SA: Three-dimensional calcification reconstruction from a limited number of views Medical Imaging 1996: Physics of Medical Imaging Van Metter RL, Beutel J(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2708: 378-389, 1996 []   
Sechopoulos I, Jones A, Maidment ADA: Digital Tomosynthesis Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Page: , 2015 [http://www.aapm.org/meetings/2015AM/PRAbs.asp?mid=99&aid=28881]   [Abstract]
Yaffe MJ, Williams MB, Niklason LT, Mawdsley GE, Maidment ADA: Development of a Quality Control Program for Full-Field Digital Mammography Radiology 209 : 160, 1998 []   [Abstract]
Yaffe MJ, Bloomquist AK, Mawdsley GE, Pisano ED, Hendrick RE, Fajardo LL, Boone JM, Kanal K, Mahesh M, Fleischman RC, Och J, Williams MB, Beideck DJ, Maidment ADA: Quality control for digital mammography: part II. Recommendations from the ACRIN DMIST trial Medical Physics 33(3) : 737-752, 2006 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.2164067 ]   
Lago AM, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Modelling of Mammographic Compression of Anthropomorphic Software Breast Phantom Using FE Bio Proc. 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Chen F, Pokrajac DD, Shi X, Liu F, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Simulation of three material partial volume averaging in a software breast phantom Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis S(eds.) Vol. 7361: 149-156, 2012 []   
Kao YH, Albert M, Carton AK, Bosmans H, Maidment ADA: A software tool for measurement of the modulation transfer function Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5745: 1199-1208, 2005 []   
Kontos D, Carton AK, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "Analysis of Parenchymal Texture in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis." (Accepted as an alternate at the 2007 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) Page: , 2007 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Chui JH, Avanaki AN, Marchessoux C, Pokrajac DD, Espig K, Kimpe TRL, Xthona A, Lago M, Shankla V: Automated and Optimized Imaging Simulation Platform for Virtual Clinical Trials of Breast Cancer Screening Proc. of the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America Page: , 2013 []   [Abstract]
Carton AK, Vandenbroucke D, Struye L, Maidment ADA, Kao YH, Albert M, Bosmans H, Marchal D: Validation of MTF measurement for digital mammography quality control Medical Physics 32(6) : 1684-1695, 2005 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1921667 ]   
Acciavatti RJ, Mein SB, Maidment ADA: Investigating oblique reconstructions with superresolution in digital breast tomosynthesis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 737-744, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Ruiter NV, Richard FJP: Model-based Comparison of Two Breast Tissue Compression Methodologies Medical Physics 31(6) : 1786, 2004 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Lau B, Carton AK, Reiser I, Maidment ADA, Nishikawa RM: An anthropomorphic software breast phantom for tomosynthesis simulation: Power spectrum analysis of phantom projections Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Marti J, Oliver A, Freixent J, Marti R(eds.) Vol. 6136: 452-458, 2010 []   
Reljin BD, Kostic PD, Milosavljevic I, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: A Comparison of Design and Implementation Issues in Yugoslav and US PACS Radiology 225 : 692, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M: Automated 3-D Limited-View Binary Reconstruction of Breast Calcifications CD-ROM Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 4 : 23-28, 2000 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Quality Control Issues for Computed and Direct Radiography Quality Assurance - Meeting the Challenges in the Digital Medical Enterprise Reiner B, Siegel E, Carrino JA(eds.) Society for Computer Applications in Radiology, Great Falls, Virginia, Page: , 2002 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Analysis of signal propagation in optically coupled detectors for digital mammography: I. Phosphor screens Physics in Medicine & Biology 40(5) : 877-889, 1995 []   
Zhang C, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Development of an anthropomorphic breast software phantom based on region growing algorithm Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling Miga MI, Cleary KR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6918: 69180V, 2008 []   
Lounev VY, Ramachandra R, Wosczyna MN, Yamamoto M, Maidment ADA, Shore EM, Glaser DL, Goldhamer DJ, Kaplan FS: Identification of rogenitor cells that contribute to eterotopic skeletogenesis J Bone Joint Surg Am 91(3) : 652-663, 2009 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Brzakovic D, Maidment ADA: Evaluation of a Mammography Simulation IWDM 2000 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Yaffe MJ(eds.) Medical Physics Publishing, Madison WI, Page: 681-687, 2001 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Xthona A, Kimpe TRL, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: On anthropomorphic decision making in a model observer In Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Mello-Thoms C, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9416: 941610, 2015 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Investigating the potential for superresolution in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Samei E, Nishikawa RM(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7961: 79615K, 2011 []   
Cockmartin L, Bakic PR, Bosmans H, Maidment ADA, Gall H, Zerhouni M, Marshall NW: Power Spectrum Analysis of an Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom Compared to Patient Data in 2D Digital Mammography and Breast Tomosynthesis. Breast Imaging (IWDM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Fujita H, Hara T, Marumatsu C(eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 8539: 423-429, 2014 []   
Carton AK, Ullberg C, Lindman K, Acciavatti RJ, Francke T, Maidment ADA: Optimization of a dualenergy contrastenhanced technique for a photon- counting digital breast tomosynthesis system: I. A theoretical model Medical Physics 37(11) : 5896-5907, 2010 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3490556 ]   
Ikejimba LC, Kontos D, Maidment ADA: Breast cancer risk estimation using parenchymal texture analysis in digital breast tomosynthesis AIP Conference Proceedings 1280 : 163-175, 2010 []   
Carton AK, Li J, Albert M, Chen S, Maidment ADA: Quantification for contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ, Hsieh J(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6142: 61420D, 2006 []   
Zheng Y, Maidment ADA, Gee JC: Accurate registration of dynamic contrast- enhanced breast MR images with robust estimation and linear programming 2010 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 Proceedings Page: 536-539, 2010 []   
Bakic PR, Carton AK, Kontos D, Zhang C, Troxel AB, Maidment ADA: Breast percent density: Estimation on digital mammograms and central tomosynthesis projections Radiology 252(1) : 40-49, 2009 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: A comparative analysis of OTF, NPS, and DQE in energy integrating and photon counting digital xray detectors Medical Physics 37(12) : 6480-6495, 2010 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3505014]   
Carton AK, Albert M, Chen SC, Conant EF, Schnall MD, Maidment ADA: Evaluation of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis RSNA 2005, Radiological Society of North America, 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago Page: 625, 2005 []   [Abstract]
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Calculation of OTF, NPS, and DQE for oblique xray incidence on turbid granular phosphors Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Marti J, Oliver A, Freixent J, Marti R(eds.) : 436-443, 2010 []   
Bakic PR, Carton AK, Zhang C, Yaffe MJ, Maidment ADA: "Inter- and Intra-Observer Correlation of Breast Percent Density Estimation from Mammograms and Central Tomosynthesis Projections." (Presented orally at the 2007 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) Page: , 2007 []   [Abstract]
Barufaldi B, Borges L, Vieira MAC, Gabarda S, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Schiabel H: The Effect of Breast Composition on a No-reference Anisotropic Quality Index for Digital Mammography IWDM 2016 Tingberg A(eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland : 226-233, 2016 [10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_30]   
Nunes PF, Oliveira HCR, Borges L, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Vieira MAC: Using Non-Local Means Algorithms for Noise Filtering in Mammograms Acquired with Reduced Dose(in Portuguese) Proc. of the 24th CBEB - Brazilian Biomedical Engineering Congress Page: , 2014 []   [Abstract]
Vieira MAC, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Mascarenhas NDA: Investigating Poisson Noise Filtering in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis In Proc. of Computer Vision Workshop (WVC 2013) Page: , 2013 []   
Pisano ED, Gatsonis C, Hendrick E, Yaffe MJ, Baum JK, Acharyya S, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Bassett L, D'Orsi C, Jong RA, Rebner M: Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST) Investigators Group. Diagnostic performance of digital versus film mammography for breast-cancer screening New England Journal of Medicine 353(17) : 1773-1783, 2005 []   
Maidment ADA: The future of medical imaging Radiation Protection Dosimetry 139(1-3) : 3-7, 2010 []   
Maidment ADA: The Digital Debate Decisions in Imaging Economics 14(3) : 10-18, 2001 []   
Chakkalakal SA, Zhang D, Culbert AL, Convente MR, Caron RJ, Wright AC, Maidment ADA, Kaplan FS, Shore EM: An Acvr1 R206H knockin mouse has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 27(8) : 1746-1756, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Albert M: Effects of quantum noise and binocular summation on dose requirements in stereoradiography Medical Physics 30(12) : 3061-3071, 2003 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1621869]   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Proposing an acquisition geometry that optimizes superresolution in digital breast tomosynthesis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 386-393, 2012 []   
Nishikawa RM, Giger ME, Gur D, Jong RA, Maidment ADA, Schmidt RA, Sacks WM: From CAD to CD - Will Computers Replace Radiologists as the Primary Reader Medical Physics 29(6) : 1359-1360, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M: Data Conditioning for Calculation of the Modulation Transfer Function Medical Physics 29(8) : 1946, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Ruiter NV, Richard FJP: "Model-Based Comparison of Two Breast Tissue Compression Methodologies," Medical Physics (Presented orally at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.) 31 : 1786, 2004 []   [Abstract]
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Oblique reconstructions in tomosynthesis. I. Linear systems theory. Medical Physics 40 : 111911, 2013 []   
Carton AK, Ullberg C, Maidment ADA: Optimization of a dualenergy contrastenhanced technique for a photoncounting digital breast tomosynthesis system: II. An experimental validation Medical Physics 37(11) : 5908-5913, 2010 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3488889 ]   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Marchessoux C, Krupinski EA, Bakic PR, Kimpe TRL, Maidment ADA: Integration of spatio-temporal contrast sensitivity with a multi-slice channelized Hotelling observer. Medical Imaging 2013: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Abbey CK, Mello-Thoms CR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8673: 86730H, 2013 []   
Bakic PR, Kontos D, Carton AK, Maidment ADA: Breast percent density estimation from 3D reconstructed digital breast tomosynthesis images Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging Hsieh J, Samei E(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6913: 691318, 2008 []   
Maidment ADA: Medical Imaging Physics, 4th Edition (Book Review) American Journal of Roentgenology 180 : 1124, 2003 []   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Troxel AB, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Digital breast tomosynthesis parenchymal texture analysis for breast cancer risk estimation: A preliminary study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 681-688, 2008 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Piccoli CW: A method for three-dimensional imaging of breast calcifications Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 35, Supplement Part 2 : 751, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Conant EF, Feig SA, Piccoli CW, Albert M: Three- dimensional analysis of breast calcifications Digital Mammography '96 Doi K, Giger ML, Nishikawa RM, Schmidt RA(eds.) Elsevier Science, Holland,, Page: 125-131, 1996 []   
Maidment ADA, Kao YH: Characterization of Breast Calcifications Using X-ray Diffraction 33 6 : 2251-2, 2006 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: DICOM and PACS for Digital Mammography Syllabus of the SCAR University 2003 Reiner B, Siegel E(eds.) : 132-136, 2003 []   
Boone JM, Carson P, Cherry S, Giger ME, Hendrick RE, Lewin J, Maidment ADA, Niklason LT: New Advances in Breast Imaging Medical Physics 30(6) : 1391, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Vujovic N, Maidment ADA: Establishing correspondence in mammograms and tomosynthesis projections Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Giger ML, Karssemeijer N(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6514: 651425, 2007 []   
Carton AK, Currivan JA, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Temporal subtraction versus dualenergy contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis: A pilot study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 166-173, 2008 []   
Pisano ED, Cole EB, Major S, Zong S, Hemminger BM, Muller KE, Johnston RE, Walsh R, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Feig SA, Nishikawa RM, Yaffe MJ, Williams MB, Aylward SR, Braeuning MP, McLelland R, Pizer SM, Brown ME, Rosen E, Soo MS, Williford M, Niklason LT, Maidment ADA, Vermont A, Kornguth PJ, Kopans DB, Moore RH, Chakraborty DP, Jong RA, Shumak R, Staiger M, and Plewes DB: Radiologists' Preferences for Digital Mammography Display Radiology Vol. 216 Page: 820-830, 2000 []   
Pisano ED, Cole EB, Major S, Hemminger BM, Muller KE, Johnston RE, Brown ME, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Feig SA, Yaffe MJ, Williams MB, Niklason LT, Maidment ADA, Braeuning MP, Rosen E, Soo MS, Walsh R, Williford M, Kopans DB, Chakraborty DP, Jong RA, Shumak : Accuracy of Digital Mammography vs. Screen-Film Mammography in a Diagnostic Mammography Population IWDM 2000 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Yaffe MJ(eds.) Medical Physics Publishing, Madison WI, Page: 504-511, 2001 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA: Dose requirements in stereoradiography Medical Imaging 2002: Physics of Medical Imaging Antonuk LE, Yaffe MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4682: 126-137, 2002 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Modeling acquisition geometries with improved superresolution in digital breast tomosynthesis Physics of Medical Imaging Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE : 9783, 2016 []   
Marchessoux C, Avanaki A, Bakic PR, Kimpe TRL, Maidment ADA: Effects of medical display luminance, contrast and temporal compensation on CHO detection performance at various browsing speeds and on digital breast tomosynthesis images Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 292-299, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Seshagiri S: Method for 3D morphologic analysis of breast calcifications Radiology 193 : 200, 1994 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Krupinski EA, Hendee WR: Pre-menopausal women should be actively encouraged to seek screening mammograms (Point/Counter-Point) Medical Physics 31(2) : 171-174, 2004 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF: A method for 3-D reconstruction of breast calcifications Radiology 201 : 257, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Texture in digital breast tomosynthesis: A comparison between mammographic and tomographic characterization of parenchymal properties Medical Imaging 2008: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Giger ML, Karssemeijer N(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6915: 69150A, 2008 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Brzakovic D, Maidment ADA: Mammogram synthesis using a 3D simulation. I. Breast tissue model and image acquisition simulation Medical Physics 29(9) : 2131-2139, 2002 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1501143 ]   
Petkovic M, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Pokrajac DD: Asymptotic Number of Z3Δ Cells Covering C(1) Surface on Uniform Grid and Complexity of Recursive-Partitioning Simulation of Septal Tissue Regions Applied Mathematics and Computation 252 : 252-263, 2015 [10.1016/j.amc.2014.11.111]   
Hoeschen C, Tischenko O, Dance DR, Hunt RA, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Testing a wavelet based noise reduction method using computersimulated mammograms Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging Flynn MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5745: 969-978, 2005 []   
Albert M, Maidment ADA: Compensation for patient motion in stereotactic mammography Med. Phys. 23(6) : 1107, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: A 3D Anthropomorphic Software Breast Phantom Radiological Society of North America scientific assembly and annual meeting program. Oak Brook, IL Page: 35-36, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Feig SA: Three-dimensional visualization of breast cancer. Digital Mammography '98 Karssemeijer N, Thijssen M, Hendricks J, Van Erning L(eds.) Kluvier, Holland, Page: 57-60, 1998 []   
Hendrick EE, Cole EB, Pisano E, Acharyya S, Marques H, Cohen MA, Jong RA, Mawdsley GE, Kana KM, D'Ors CJ, Rebner M, Gatsonis C: Accuracy of Soft-Copy Digital Mammography versus That of Screen-Film Mammography according to Digital Manufacturer: ACRIN DMIST Retrospective Multireader Study Radiology 247(1) : 38-48, 2008 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Scanned-slot digital mammography Medical Physics 16(4) : 681, 1989 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Albert M: "Dose Requirements in Stereomammo-graphy," Era of Hope: Proc. DoD Cancer Research Program Meeting, p. , . (Presented as a poster at the 2002 Era of Hope Meeting, Orlando, FL.) Page: 30-7, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Feig SA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Maidment ADA, Mawdsley GE, Jong RA: Full-field digital mammography: System development and image evaluation Radiology 197 : 170, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Mahesh M, Maidment ADA, Samei E: AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial for Residents: Digital Mammography Radiological Society of North America scientific assembly and annual meeting program. Oak Brook, IL Page: 35-36, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Bunin GR, Felice MA, Davidson W, Friedman DL, Shields CL, Maidment ADA, O'Shea M, Nichols KE, Leahey A, Dunkel IJ, Jubran R, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Schmidt M, Weinstein JL, Goldman S, Abramson DH, Wilson MW, Gallie BL, Chan HSL, Shapiro M, Cnaan A, Ganguly: Medical radiation exposure and risk of retinoblastoma resulting from new germline RB1 mutation. International Journal of Cancer 128(10) : 2393-2404, 2011 []   
Samei E, Maidment ADA: Assessment of Display Performance for Medical Imaging Syllabus of the SCAR University 2003 Reiner B, Siegel E(eds.) : 57-63, 2003 []   
Carton AK, Gavenonis SC, Currivan JA, Conant EF, Schnal M, Maidment ADA: Dualenergy contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis A feasibility study British Journal of Radiology 83(998) : 344-350, 2010 []   
Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Optimized generation of high resolution breast anthropomorphic software phantoms Medical Physics 39(4) : 2290-2302, 2012 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3697523]   
Zhang C, Bakic PR, Xia S, Liu F, Maidment ADA: Evaluation of 3D breast surface reconstruction accuracy using noncontact scanner images: A phantom study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 5116 Page: 585-592, 2008 []   
Williams MB, Raghunathan P, More MJ, Seibert JA, Kwan A, Lo J, Samei E, Ranger NT, Fajardo LL, McGruder A, McGurder SM, Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ, Bloomquist AK, Mawdsley GE: Optimization of exposure parameters in full field digital mammography Medical Physics 35(6) : 2414-2423, 2008 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.2912177 ]   
Mamourian A, O'Shea M, Maidment ADA: Cumulative radiation dose in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage American Journal of Neuroradiology 31(10) : E87-E89, 2010 []   
Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Mawdsley GE, Critten J, Feig SA, Maidment ADA, Picarro MF, Tesic M: Full-field digital mammography-system development and technical performance Digital Mammography '96 Doi K, Giger ML, Nishikawa RM, Schmidt RA(eds.) Elsevier Science, Holland, Page: 125-131, 1996 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Piccoli CW, McCue PA: Prototype workstation for 3-D diagnosis of breast calcifications Radiology 201 : 556, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Tissue Discrimination Methods in Mammography Radiological Society of North America scientific assembly and annual meeting program. Oak Brook, IL Page: 35-36, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Carton AK, Chen S, Conant EF, Schnall M: Quantification of contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1(SUPPL. 7) : 12-14, 2006 []   
Williams MB, Niklason LT, Yaffe MJ, Mawdsley GE, Maidment ADA, Chakraborty DP, Kimme-Smith CM: Beam Optimization for Digital Mammography IWDM 2000 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Yaffe MJ(eds.) Medical Physics Publishing, Madison WI, Page: 109-119, 2001 []   
Kontos D, Megalooikonomou V, Javadi A, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Classification of galactograms using fractal properties of the breast ductal network 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Proceedings Page: 1324-1327, 2006 []   
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Albert M: "3-Dimensional Imaging of the Breast," Era of Hope: Proc. DoD Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, (Presented as a poster at the 2002 Era of Hope Meeting, Orlando, FL.) Page: 30-6, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Albert M: Is Stereomammography Possible Without Increased Dose IWDM 2002, 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Peitgen HO(eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Page: 510-516, 2003 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Maidment ADA, Reljin B: Experiment with 3-D Mammography and their Possible Applications in Telemammography Annals of the Academy of Studenica 4 : 67-69, 2001 []   
Thunberg S, Maidment ADA, Adelöw L: Tomosynthesis with a Multi-line Photon Counting Camera Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Pisano ED(eds.) The University of North Carolina, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, Chapel Hill, NC, Page: 459-465, 2005 []   
Cupp SL, Beideck DJ, Maidment ADA: Do UV Protectants Cause Screen Artifacts? Medical Physics 28(6) : 1191, 2001 []   [Abstract]
Vieira M, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Schiabel H, Mascarenhas NDA: Filtering of poisson noise in digital mammography using local statistics and adaptive wiener filter Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 268-275, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA: CR and DR: Cost Efficacy Syllabus of the 2001 SCAR University Reiner B, Siegel E(eds.) : 11-15, 2001 []   
Maidment ADA: A Century of Medical Physics in Philadelphia The Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society: Centennial Anniversary 1905-2005 Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society, Philadelphia, PA Page: , 2005 []   
Lakhani P, Maidment ADA, Weinstein JL, Kung JW, Alavi A: Correlation between quantified breast densities from digital mammography and 18F- FDG PET uptake Breast Journal 15(4) : 339-347, 2009 []   
Maidment ADA: Scoring the Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Program Accreditation Phantom Medical Physics 30(6) : 1371, 2003 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF: Three-dimensional imaging of breast calcifications 26th AIPR Workshop: Exploiting New Image Sources Sensors J, Selander M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3240: 200-208, 1998 []   
Albert M, Beideck DJ, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Aliasing effects in digital images of line-pair phantoms. Medical Physics 29(8) : 1716-1718, 2002 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1493212]   
Maidment ADA, Karasick T, Bakic PR, Albert M: 2AFC observer study of shape and contrast discrimination in digital stereomammography Medical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Chakraborty DP, Eckstein MP(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5372: 62-71, 2004 []   
Gavenonis SC, Lau K, Karunamuni R, Zhang Y, Ren B, Ruth C, Maidment ADA: Initial experience with dualenergy contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis in the characterization of breast cancer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 32-39, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: Systematic approach to high-quality bedside chest radiography Radiology 193 : 147, 1994 []   [Abstract]
Albert M, Maidment ADA: Linear response theory for detectors consisting of discrete arrays Medical Physics 27(10) : 2417-2434, 2000 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1286592 ]   
Maidment ADA, Starkoski BG, Mawdsley GE, Soutar IC, Plewes DB, Yaffe MJ: A clinical scanned-slot digital mammography prototype Radiology 185 : 249, 1992 []   [Abstract]
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Carton AK, Troxel AB, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: "Parenchymal Texture Analysis in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Computer-assisted Risk Estimation (CARe) of Breast Cancer: A Preliminary Evaluation." (Presented orally at the 2008 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL.) Page: , 2008 []   [Abstract]
Yaffe MJ, Antonuk L, Dobbins JT, Maidment ADA, Gould R, Pizzutiello R, Seibert JA: Computed and Digital Radiography: A Moderated Debate Medical Physics 28(6) : 1298, 2001 []   [Abstract]
Carton AK, Lindman K, Ullberg C, Francke T, Maidment ADA: Dualenergy subtraction for contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging Hsieh J, Flynn MJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6510: 651007, 2007 []   
Kontos D, Ikejimba LC, Bakic PR, Troxel AB, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Analysis of parenchymal texture with digital breast tomosynthesis: Comparison with digital mammography and implications for cancer risk assessment Radiology 261(1) : 80-91, 2011 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Design considerations in optically coupled digital x-ray detectors Radiology 197 : 357, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Full Field Digital Mammography Anais do III Fórum Nacional de Ciência e Technologia em Saude Schiabel H(eds.) : 797-804, 1996 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Mawdsley GE, Lewkow R, Starkowski BG, Soutar IC: Clinical scanned-slot digital mammography detector Radiology 189 : 185, 1993 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Albert M, Brzakovic D, Maidment ADA: Generation and evaluation of physically inspired synthetic mammograms Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE 2 : 1047-1050, 2000 [10.1109/IEMBS.2000.897906]   
Kim PK, Gracias VH, Maidment ADA, O'Shea M, Reilly PM, Schwab CW: Cumulative radiation dose caused by radiologic studies in critically ill trauma patients Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care 57(3) : 510-514, 2004 []   
Cook TS, Zimmerman S, Steingall SR, Maidment ADA, Kim W, Boonn WW: RADIANCE: An Automated, enterprisewide solution for archiving and reporting CT radiation dose estimates Radiographics 31(7) : 1833-1846, 2011 []   
Zhang C, Ruiter NV, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: "Development of an Anthropomorphic Software Breast Phantom and a Framework for Generating Synthetic Mammographic and Tomosynthesis Images," (Presented as a poster at the 6th Annual Biomedical Postoc Research Symposium, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) Page: , 2007 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Three-dimensional technique may eliminate unnecessary breast biopsies American Family Physician 57(8) : 1930, 1998 []   
Bakic PR, Richard FJP, Maidment ADA: "2D/3D Registration of Mammograms and Breast Tomosynthesis Images," University of Pennsylvania Institute of Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Symposium Program, (Presented as a poster at the 2006 University of Pennsylvania Institute of Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Symposium, Philadelphia) Page: 68, 2006 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA: Scanned-slot digital mammography Medical Physics 23(5) : 782, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Moyer FP: Evaluation of grids in bedside chest radiography Radiology 193 : 282, 1994 []   [Abstract]
Zhang C, Bakic PR, Xia S, Ruiter NV, Su Z, Shi X, Pokrajac D, Liu F, Maidment ADA: "A Phantom Study of 3D Breast Surface Reconstruction Using Non-contact Optical Scanner Images," (Presented as a poster at the 6th Annual Biomedical Postdoc Research Symposium, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) Page: , 2007 []   [Abstract]
Eckstein MP, Boone JM, Abbey CK, Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA: Non-Gaussian Statistical Properties of Virtual Breast Phantoms In Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Proc. Mello-Thoms C, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9037: , 2014 []   
Carumbaya KD, Albert M, Maidment ADA: Digital angiography of the breast Med. Phys. 23(6) : 1107, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Optimization of phosphorbased detector design for oblique xray incidence in digital breast tomosynthesis Medical Physics 38(11) : 6188-6202, 2011 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.3639999]   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Scanned-slot digital mammography: Analysis of the propagation of signal and noise Medical Physics 19(3) : 783, 1992 []   [Abstract]
Karunamuni R, Maidment ADA: Quantification of a silver contrast agent in dual-energy breast x-ray imaging Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Vol. 8668: 866862, 2013 []   
Wang Y, Keller B, Zheng Y, Acciavatti RJ, Gee JC, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: A phantom study for assessing the effect of different digital detectors on mammographic texture features Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Gavenonis SC(eds.) Vol. 7361: 604-610, 2012 []   
Pokrajac DD, Imran A, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Estimation of adipose compartment volumes in CT images of a mastectomy specimen Physics of Medical Imaging Kontos D, Flohr T(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9783: , 2016 []   
Maidment ADA: Nine Orders of Magnitude: Imaging from Man to Molecules Medical Physics 31(6) : 1741-1742, 2004 []   [Abstract]
Lau K, Roth S, Maidment ADA: 2D and 3D registration methods for dualenergy contrastenhanced digital breast tomosynthesis Physics of Medical Imaging Whiting BR, Hoeschen C(eds.) SPIE Vol. 9033: , 2014 []   
Megalooikonomou V, Kontos D, Danglemaier J, Javadi A, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: A representation and classification scheme for treelike structures in medical images: An application on branching pattern analysis of ductal trees in xray galactograms Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing Reinhardt JM, Pluim JPW(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6144: 61441H, 2006 []   
Bakic PR, Richard FJP, Maidment ADA: ADA: Effect of Breast Compression on Registration of Successive Mammograms Preceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Pisano ED(eds.) The University of North Carolina, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, Chapel Hill, NC, Page: 691-697, 2005 []   
Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Digital Phantoms for Breast Imaging Physics of Mammographic Imaging Markey M(eds.) Taylor and Francis Oxford, UK Chapter 12, Page: , 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Kao YH: Determination of Calcification Composition Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Pisano ED(eds.) The University of North Carolina, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, Chapel Hill, NC, Page: 364-369, 2005 []   
Maidment ADA, Feig SA, Conant EF: The 3-dimensional morphological analysis of breast calcifications Medical Physics 22(6) : 988, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Bakic PR, Pokrajac DD, De Caro R, Maidment ADA: Realistic Simulation of Breast Tissue Microstructure in Software Anthropomorphic Phantoms. Breast Imaging (IWDM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Fujita H, Hara T, Muramatsu C(eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 8539: 348-355, 2014 []   
Bakic PR, Albert M, Brzakovic D, Maidment ADA: Mammogram synthesis using a three-dimensional simulation. III. Modeling and evaluation of the breast ductal network Medical Physics 30(7) : 1914-1925, 2003 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1586453 ]   
Maidment ADA, Samei E: Assessment of Display Performance for Medical Imaging Syllabus of the 2002 SCAR University Reiner B, Siegel E(eds.) : 80-85, 2002 []   
.: Diagnostic Radiology Physics: A Handbook for Teachers and Students Dance DR, Christofides S, Maidment ADA, McLean ID, Ng KH(eds.) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Page: , 2014 []   
Bakic PR, Rosen MA, Maidment ADA: Comparison of breast ductal branching pattern classification using xray galactograms and MR autogalactograms Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing Reinhardt JM, Pluim JPW(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6144: 614425, 2006 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M: Automated Reconstruction of 3D Calcifications IWDM 2000 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography Yaffe MJ(eds.) Medical Physics Publishing, Madison WI, Page: 72-80, 2001 []   
Sousa M, Marcomini K, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Schiabela H: Observer study to evaluate the simulation of mammographic calcification clusters Medical Imaging 2016: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Abbey CK, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9787: 9787, 2016 [10.1117/12.2217257]   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Troxel AB, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: "Parenchymal Texture Analysis in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Comuter-Assisted Risk Estimation (CARe) of Breast Cancer," 33nd Annual Eugene P. Pendergrass Symposium Program. (Presented orally at 33nd Annual Eugene P. Pendergrass Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) Page: , 2008 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, M Albert, Halpern EJ: A quality control program for paper printers used with teleradiology/PACS Radiology 205 : 307, 1997 []   [Abstract]
Piccoli CW, Maidment ADA, Cavanaugh BC, Parker L, Albert M, Cupp SL: A Comparison of Clinical Findings in Digital and Screen-Film Mammography Radiology 225 : 417, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Picarro MF: Characterization of resolution of a slot-scanning digital mammography system Radiology 201 : 191, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Acciavatti RJ, Maidment ADA: Optimization of continuous tube motion and stepandshoot motion in digital breast tomosynthesis systems with patient motion Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8313: 831306, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA: "Sic et Non: Is Digital Radiography a Technological Imperative? No" Decisions in Imaging Economics 15(2) : 14-16, 2002 []   
Ortega HV, Godo MN, Albert M, Maidment ADA, Tartaglino L, Mohamed FB: Fluid flow simulation within brain aneurysms using physiologically accurate data American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division 35 : 285-286, 1997 []   
Acciavatti RJ, Ray S, Keller BM, Maidment ADA, Conant EF: A comparative analysis of 2D and 3D CAD for calcifications in digital breast tomosynthesis Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Hadjiiski L, Tourassi G(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9414: 94140N, 2015 []   
Chen F, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA, Jensen ST, Shi X, Pokrajac DD: Description and Characterization of a Novel Method for Partial Volume Simulation in Software Breast Phantoms IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 34(10) : 2146-2161, 2015 []   
Daye D, Keller B, Conant EF, Chen J, Schnal M, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: Mammographic parenchymal patterns as an imaging marker of endogenous hormonal exposure. A preliminary study in a highrisk population. Academic Radiology 20(5) : 635-646, 2013 []   
Maidment ADA, Ullberg C, Francke T, Lindqvist L, Solokov S, Lindman K, Adelöw L, Sunden P: Clinical evaluation of a photoncounting tomosyntliesis mammography system Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Astley S, Brady M, Rose C, Zwiggelaar R(eds.) Vol. 4046: 144-151, 2006 []   
Avanaki A, Espig K, Knippel E, Kimpe TRL, Xthona A, Maidment ADA: Location- and lesion-dependent estimation of background tissuecomplexity for anthropomorphic model observer Medical Imaging 2016: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Abbey CK, Kupinski M(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9787: 97870A-13, 2016 [10.1117/12.2217612]   
Kontos D, Bakic PR, Carton AK, Troxel AB, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Parenchymal Texture Analysis in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Breast Cancer Risk Estimation: A Preliminary Study. Academic Radiology 16(3) : 283-298, 2009 []   
Bakic PR, Richard FJP, Maidment ADA: Registration of mammograms and breast tomosynthesis images Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Astley S, Brady M, Rose C, Zwiggelaar R(eds.) Vol. 4046: 498-503, 2006 []   
Bakic PR, Ng S, Ringer P, Carton AK, Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Validation and optimization of digital breast tomosynthesis reconstruction using an anthropomorphic software breast phantom Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Samei E, Pelc NJ(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7622: 76220F, 2010 []   
Brzakovic D, Bakic PR: Mammogram Screening by Automated Followup: Mammogram Modeling Era of Hope: Proc. DoD Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, (Presented as a poster at the 2002 Era of Hope Meeting, Orlando, FL.) Page: 28-2, 2002 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Albert M: Conditioning data for calculation of the modulation transfer function Medical Physics 30(2) : 248-253, 2003 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1534111 ]   
Carton AK, Ullberg C, Lindman K, Francke T, Maidment ADA: Optimization of a dualenergy contrastenhanced technique for a photon counting digital breast tomosynthesis system Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Krupinski EA(eds.) Vol. 5116: 116-123, 2008 []   
Wang Y, Keller B, Zheng Y, Acciavatti RJ, Gee JC, Maidment ADA, Kontos D: Texture feature standardization in digital mammography for improving generalizability across devices Medical Imaging 2013: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Novak CL, Aylward SR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8670: 867026, 2013 []   
Maidment ADA, Fahrig R, Yaffe MJ: Dynamic range requirements in digital mammography Medical Physics 20(6) : 1621-1633, 1993 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.596949]   
Maidment ADA: Quality Assurance in Teleradiology/PACS: Implications on System Design and Maintenance. Medical Physics 25(7) : A161, 1998 []   [Abstract]
Maidment ADA, Salazar AM, Spirn PW, Steiner RM, Shaber GS, Moyer FP: Optimization of portable chest radiography Radiology 197 : 370, 1995 []   [Abstract]
Nuzhnaya T, Barnathan M, Ling H, Megalooikonomou V, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Probabilistic branching node detection using AdaBoost and hybrid local features 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 Proceedings Page: 221-224, 2010 []   
Karunamuni R, Maidment ADA: Search for novel contrast materials in dual-energy x-ray breastimaging using theoretical modeling of contrast-to-noise ratio Physics of Medicine and Biology 59 : 4311, 2014 []   
Conant EF, Maidment ADA: Update on digital mammography Breast Disease 13 : 109-124, 2001 []   
Richard FJP, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Nonrigid registration of mammograms obtained with variable breast compression: A phantom study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 2717 Page: 281-290, 2003 []   
Maidment ADA: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Medical Physics 33(6) : 2184-5, 2006 []   [Abstract]
Chen F, Pokrajac DD, Shi X, Liu F, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR: Partial volume simulation in software breast phantoms Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging Pelc NJ, Nishikawa RM, Whiting BR(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8313: 83134U, 2012 []   
Maidment ADA, Yaffe MJ: Scanned-slot digital mammography Medical Imaging IV: Image Formation Schneider RH(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 1231: 316-326, 1990 []   
Maidment ADA, Albert M, Conant EF, Feig SA, Piccoli CW: 3-D imaging of mammary calcifications Medical Physics 23(6) : 1106-1107, 1996 []   [Abstract]
Richard FJP, Bakic PR, Maidment ADA: Mammogram registration: a phantom- based evaluation of compressed breast thickness variation effects IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25(2) : 188-197, 2006 []   
Feig SA, Yaffe MJ, Plewes DB, Maidment ADA, Jong RA: Clinical evaluation of a scanned-slot, full-field digital mammography system Digital Mammography '96 Doi K, Giger ML, Nishikawa RM, Schmidt RA(eds.) Elsevier Science, Holland, Page: 71-79, 1996 []   
Lakhani P, Maidment ADA, Mavi A, Urhan M, Alavi A: Correlation between Volumetric Breast Density from Digital Mammography With FDG-PET Uptake In Normal Breasts J. Nuc. Med 46(Suppl. 2) : 235, 2005 []   [Abstract]
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