- Maidment ADA, Krupinski EA, Hendee WR: Premenopausal women should be actively encouraged to seek screening mammograms Medical Physics 31(2) : 171-174, 2004 [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1638754 ]                
- Maidment ADA, Albert M, Pineda AR, Barrett HH: Comment on "figures of merit for detectors in digital radiography" Medical Physics 31(8) : 2364-2367, 2004 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.1771871 ]                
- Kim PK, Gracias VH, Maidment ADA, O'Shea M, Reilly PM, Schwab CW: Cumulative radiation dose caused by radiologic studies in critically ill trauma patients Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care 57(3) : 510-514, 2004 []                
- Maidment ADA, Karasick T, Bakic PR, Albert M: 2AFC observer study of shape and contrast discrimination in digital stereomammography Medical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Chakraborty DP, Eckstein MP(eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5372: 62-71, 2004 []                
- Maidment ADA, Krupinski EA, Hendee WR: Pre-menopausal women should be actively encouraged to seek screening mammograms (Point/Counter-Point) Medical Physics 31(2) : 171-174, 2004 []                
- Maidment ADA, Seibert JA, Flynn MJ: Technical advances in DR and CR: Part 1. Decisions in Imaging Economics 17(3) : 45-51, 2004 []                
- Galkin BM, Maidment ADA: Compression Modulated Mammography: A Method for Improved Detection of Cancer in Dense Breasts Using Digital Mammography Medical Physics 31(6) : 1850-1851, 2004 []   [Abstract]             
- Maidment ADA: Nine Orders of Magnitude: Imaging from Man to Molecules Medical Physics 31(6) : 1741-1742, 2004 []   [Abstract]             
- Maidment ADA, Antonuk L, Dobbins JT, Flynn M, Seibert JA, Yorkston J: A Debate on the Relative Merits of Digital Radiography and Mammography Technologies Medical Physics 31(6) : 1755, 2004 []   [Abstract]             
- Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Ruiter NV, Richard FJP: Model-based Comparison of Two Breast Tissue Compression Methodologies Medical Physics 31(6) : 1786, 2004 []   [Abstract]             
- Maidment ADA, Bakic PR, Ruiter NV, Richard FJP: "Model-Based Comparison of Two Breast Tissue Compression Methodologies," Medical Physics (Presented orally at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.) 31 : 1786, 2004 []   [Abstract]